DayBreak Turkey Outreach 2019
On November 16, 2019, Daybreak Ministries will have its annual Turkey Outreach. During this event 100 turkey boxes containing gospel tracts, a Turkey, and other food items will be handed out to each pre-registered resident of Lincoln Heights, DC. The Lincoln Heights public housing development will be greatly blessed by your service. Daybreak needs as many volunteers as possible to make this a successful day.
Will you be one of them?
If interested please fill out the registration form with your name and email address.
Date: November 16, 2019
10:00am arrival and introduction
10:30am unload the truck and pray
11:00am help distribute turkeys
2:00pm dismissal
Make sure to pack a lunch
Location: Daybreak Minstries,
5017 Banks Place NE, Washington DC, 20019
If you have any questions please email daybreakdc@gmail.com
Grace to you,
Daybreak Inc